Main Smoke Shop Kansas City will open its doors and ensure you hygienic environment at our store. We have taken precautionary measures to assure our valued customers and community of their safety.
Smoke Shop Kansas city open in coronavirus pandemic
Offers Hand Sanitizers help prevent Covid-19
As our nation battles the Covid-19 outbreak, Main Smoke Shop KC has responded to the needs of its loyal customer base by offering a wide range of hand sanitizers at the lowest possible price. If you have to be mobile for some reasons during these testing times and cannot possibly wash hands to prevent contracting the new coronavirus, you need hand sanitizers more than anyone one else.
With many supermarkets running low on essential supplies like toilet papers and sanitizers, Main Smoke Shop Kansas City has stepped in to bridge the gap and to provide what people need the most at the moment. Even folks sitting at home waiting out the pandemic require sanitizers to make sure they stay free from the virus.
The CDC guidelines recommend avoiding all sorts of close contact, including handshakes. However, we cannot avoid touching doorknobs and electronic devices. Using the anti-virus sanitizers after handling such devices or opening doors certainly contributes to prevention. Studies show that people touch their faces at least 23 times an hour. Remember that we are fighting a virus that survives on surfaces for up to three days.
Touching those surfaces, including the screen of mobile phones, and then putting the same hand next to your mouth, eyes, or ears could compromise your safety. Thus, hand sanitizers remain our only recourse. They could be employed to clean phones and other handheld devices.
Main Smoke Shop Kansas City makes available several types of hand sanitizers at it counters, where well-informed staff are ready to help you choose one. The wide range of products allows you to select the best for your needs.
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